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伯晨 讲师



伯晨,男,汉族,安徽淮北人,中共党员,365体育官网入口讲师。20226毕业于安徽体育大学,获生物化学与分子生物学专业博士学位。研究方向为植物抗逆分子育种,主要以半夏、玉米等重要作物为材料,利用生物信息学手段挖掘重要的抗逆候选基因,并对其功能和分子作用机制进行研究。先后参加1项国家自然科学基金和1 项安徽省自然科学基金,以第一或共一作者身份在The Plant JournalPlant Cell Reports, International Journal of Molecular Sciences等期刊发表多篇学术论文。



1. Bo Chen, Cai Ronghao, Fang Xiu, Wu Hao, Ma Zhongxian, Yuan Haotian, Cheng Beijiu, Fan Jun, Ma Qing. Transcription factor ZmWRKY20 interacts with ZmWRKY115 to reduce expression of ZmbZIP111 for salt tolerance in maize. The Plant Journal, 2022, 111(6): 1660-1675.

2. Bo Chen, Chen Haowei, Luo Guowei, Li Wei., Zhang Xingen, Ma Qing, Cheng Beijiu, Cai Ronghao. Maize WRKY114 gene negatively regulates salt-stress tolerance in transgenic rice. Plant Cell Reports, 2020, 39: 135-148.

3. Bo Chen, Su Chuandong, Teng Jingtong, Sheng Wei, Xue Tao, Zhu Yanfang, and Xue Jianping. Transcriptome Profiling Reveals Differential Gene Expression during the Process of Microtuber Formation in Pinellia ternata. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24, 11604.

4. Fang Xiu, Bo Chen, Wang Mengjie, Yuan Haotian, Li Wei, Chen Haowei, Ma Qing, Cai Ronghao. Overexpression of the maize WRKY114 gene in transgenic rice reduce plant height by regulating the biosynthesis of GA. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2021, 16(11): 1967635.

5. 蔡荣号, 伯晨, 马庆. 异源表达玉米ZmWRKY11基因增强拟南芥对盐胁迫的耐受性[J]. 玉米科学, 2019, 27(05): 34-38.
